After installing, make the required setting for running the app.Once the app is downloaded it can be installed on the device.
You will find the link to get the app downloaded to the device. Download Kodi Leia > Android // iOS // Xbox One. LEIA KODI 18 DOWNLOAD INSTALL
If you are using the older version of Kodi, you can easily install the Leia version with easy, as there are no much things required.
Kodi management has been a tweak, you can easily control the app with remote and voice commands also work well with the Kodi. LEIA KODI 18 DOWNLOAD ANDROID
Leia has standardized Android code making it more stable for the users.The new revamped music player gets good design and gathers the data.Kodi Leia will bring the Xbox support for the user.The latest version of Kodi is v18 that is Leia. Let me know what you think of it in the comments below.Kodi community is evolving at a great phase and there are hundreds of developer in and around the world, contributing to the development of Kodi, making it to a great platform for viewing content. You can download Kodi 18 'Leia' for Windows, Mac and iOS, and for other platforms from here. If you’re already running Kodi 17, you can download and install the latest release over your existing installation.
Added support for Android TV Leanback search and recommendations metadata from Kodi. Added support for Android to move the Kodi app to SD card. Added support for speech-to-text in Kodi OSD keyboard on Android TV.
Added support to build Kodi with support for Bluetooth. Added support for Python (script) based web scrapers for Kodi. Added additional artist data that Musicbrainz provides: type (person, group, orchestra, choir etc.), gender, and disambiguation comments that help to differentiate artists with the same name. Added an option to rescan the music file tags for existing items in the library. Kodi Leia for iOS also needs to be sideloaded. You can check this guide for detailed instructions. Improved Stereoscopic 3D playback of 3D videos (as well as better 2D playback of 3D videos). dmg file and when you see the new window, move the Kodi icon inside the Applications folder. Added support for video buffers to be used by decoders and renderers. Added support for Blu-ray Disc detection and use provided meta data for Blu-ray Disc names. Added support for BD-J / Blu-ray Disc Java menu support. Updated "Peripheral Addons" for game controllers, gamepads, joysticks, and input peripherals profiles. Improved the input manager and input API system for keyboards, mice, and game controllers. Added, updated, and improved PVR backend clients addons for popular third-party external PVR backend platforms. Changed GUI actions to eliminate duplicate and dead code (major GUI refactoring for PVR and LiveTV).
Added support for RDS (Radio Data System) for radio channels if the PVR backend client supports RDS.Added a RetroPlayer player core supporting game clients addons as well as emulator cores.Added a Games window and Game OSD (On-Screen-Display) to the graphical user interface.Some of the highlights of the new version are: Kodi 18 'Leia' is also the first 64-bit version for Windows. As you might expect, there have been a lot of changes made to the software. The developers have yet to announce the news, but the software is ready to download from the site, and you can check out the changelog here.